Concept Of Calibration

by Batch 2 Group 1


In measurement technology, calibration implies the assurance of the measurement error of the total measuring instrument. No specialized intercession happens on the measuring instrument during calibration. On showing measuring instruments, the measurement error is controlled by calibration, contrasting the worth showed and the right incentive for the measurement being referred to.


A measuring instrument (or total of mass) is set and changed so that the measurement errors are pretty much as little as could really be expected, or that the amount of the measurement errors doesn't surpass the error tolerances. Change, in this manner, requires a mediation that forever changes the measuring instrument or total of mass.

Calibration Labs


NPL- National Physics Laboratory

ERTL- Electronics Regional Test Laboratory 

ETDC- Electronics Test and Development Centre


The undertaking of authorize calibration labs is to move discernibility, for example to show the association of the measurement result or the measurement standard utilized by the customer and the references (normally public or global measurement principles) with the assistance of a solid chain of correlations wherein all vulnerabilities of examinations in the chain have been shown. Measurement vulnerability is a boundary identifying with the measuring result that portrays the expected variety of the deliberate amount. The size of the measurement vulnerability impacts the outcome's endorsement restricts and is affected by, for instance, the measuring objective, measuring instrument, individual playing out the measurement, measuring strategy and natural conditions when the measurement is taken.

About NCQC- Calibration Laboratory In India

Public Center for Quality Calibration (NCQC) is an autonomous calibration lab set up beginning around 1998 in India and has given best in class calibration administrations to various ventures and giving quality calibration administrations to testing and measuring instruments with our calibrated master in the field of Temperature, Dimensional, Pressure, Vacuum, Time, Mass, Electrical, Noise, Airflow, Lux and all Special Purpose Instruments in all reaches. NCQC is ISO/IEC 17025 certify calibration lab by NABL. NCQC had branches in 5 areas including Gandhidham, Vapi, Ankleshwar, Rajkot and Bhavnagar and covering more than 80 % of ventures of Gujarat and had become market pioneer for instrument calibration and first inclination of worldwide clients.

Sorts of Measuring Standards

The international prototype meter and the global yard are viewed as perfect  or master standards. These can't be utilized for general purposes. For practical and shop floor measurements, there is need of working norms. For Example, micrometers, verniers, rules and so forth are needed for measurement in studio.

These are aligned from the slip measures, and slip checks would be adjusted against the laser by the NPL (National Physical Laboratory).


Types of Measuring Standards

Accordingly relying on the level of exactness needed for the work, the principles are partitioned into following four classifications or grades:

1. Primary Standards (Reference Standards).

The essential standard is otherwise called Master Standard, and is safeguarded under the most cautious conditions. These guidelines are not regularly being used. They are utilized solely after long internals. They exclusively utilized for looking at the secondary standards . Now and then it is additionally called Reference Standards.

2. Secondary Standards (Calibration Standards).

The optional standard is pretty much like the essential norm. They are almost close in precision with essential principles. The optional standard is contrasted at ordinary spans and essential Stands and records their deviation. These Standards are circulated to various spots where they are held under safe care. They are used occasionally for comparing the territory standards.

3. Tertiary Standards (Inspection Standards).

The Tertiary standard is the main norm to be utilized for reference reason in studios and research facilities. They are utilized for contrasting the functioning guidelines. These are not utilized as habitually and generally as the functioning guidelines however more recurrence than secondary standards. Tertiary standards ought to likewise be kept up with as a source of perspective for examination at spans for working standards.

4. Working Standards (Workshop Measuring Standards)

The functioning standard is utilized for real measurement in studio or research centers by the specialists. These norms ought to likewise be just about as precise as conceivable to the tertiary standard. However, now and again, lower grades of materials can be utilized for their assembling to reduce cost.


Traceable to a national standard. In India it is with National Physical Laboratories, New Delhi.


About EDTC

Government of India, provides quality assurance services in the area of Electronics and IT through countrywide network laboratories and centers. The service includes Testing, Calibration, IT & e-governance, Training & Certification to public and private organizations.


Why is Calibration Necessary?

It is difficult to make perfect equipment that would not require any type of error remedy. In any event, making the equipment adequate to wipe out the requirement for error rectification for most gadgets would be very costly. The best equilibrium is to make the equipment comparable to for all intents and purposes conceivable, adjusting execution and cost. Calibration is then an exceptionally helpful apparatus to further develop measurement exactness.

 Importance of Calibration

The figure underneath portrays how an appropriately performed calibration can further develop item execution. Preferably an item would create test results that precisely match the example esteem, with no error anytime inside the adjusted reach. This line has been marked "Optimal Results". In any case, without calibration, a genuine item might deliver test results unique in relation to the example esteem, with a possibly enormous error.

Aligning the item can advance the present circumstance altogether. During calibration, the item is "instructed" utilizing the known upsides of Calibrators 1 and 2 what result it ought to give. The cycle takes out the errors at these two places, essentially moving the "Before Calibration" bend nearer to the Ideal Results line shown by the "Later Calibration" bend. The Error At Any Point has been decreased to zero at the calibration focuses, and the lingering error at some other point inside the working reach is inside the producer's distributed linearity or exactness detail.

Calibration of a measuring hardware or working standard empowers the client to observe the deviations and errors from the ostensible qualities with the goal that revisions can be made to limit the errors during measurement. A very much adjusted instrument gives the certainty to the client just as the buyer that the assistance or the item meets the necessary particulars and guarantees the acknowledgment in worldwide market.

Purpose of Calibration

Calibration alludes to the demonstration of assessing and changing the accuracy and exactness of measurement hardware. Instrument calibration is expected to dispose of or lessen predisposition in an instrument's readings over a reach for every single nonstop worth. Accuracy is how much rehashed measurements under unaltered conditions show a similar outcome. Precision is the level of closeness of measurements of an amount to its genuine worth.

Types of Calibration

Calibration is basically of three types:

 i. Electro-technical Calibration: It consist calibration of electronic devices like resister, capacitor etc. 

ii. Non Electrical Calibration: It consist calibration of mass, pressure etc. 

iii. On Site Calibration: It consist calibration of any other type of quantity which contain both quantities.


Where to Calibrate?

Calibration is performed in the I/II/III party laboratory under controlled environment. (The environment need only to be controlled to the extent required.) 

Ø Accredited Calibration Laboratory

Ø Manufacturer’s / Supplier’s Laboratory 

Ø ensuring valid traceability


Requirements of Calibration Management System

Each instrument requires:

Ø Unique identification

Ø A recorded history and current calibration status

Ø Use appropriate for the function of the instrument Calibration procedures require

Ø Approved procedures for calibration

Ø Schedule for calibration

Ø Process range limits Calibration standards and test equipment

Ø Must be more accurate than the required accuracy of the instrument

Ø Traceable back to national or international standards Personnel

Ø Proof of appropriate training 

Ø Perform within an established change management process


Common measurements

• Inspection, Measurement, and Test Equipment (IM&TE)

• To calibrate any equipment, it is necessary to generate a known amount of the variable to be measured and apply it to the unit under test.

• Variable can be generated by using known generator (i.e. gage block) or unknown generator (in the case it must be measured simultaneously with calibrated device).

• Where IM&TE is also a generator then the output must be known.

• Laboratory Measurement of Temperature: – Liquid-in-glass thermometers must be immersed in the calibration bath to a predefined depth. – Resistance-Temperature-Devices work on the basis of temperature versus resistance characteristics. – Optical Pyrometer is used to measure temperatures above 200

• C by measuring the colour of the object from the distance.


Standard Equipments

Calibration Report 

A calibration report usually provides a set of results that show the performance of the instrument being calibrated in comparison to a reference instrument or standard. Measurements are recorded for each function, range and points tested, and the uncertainty of each measurement is reported.

 Calibration Certificates

A calibration certificate usually states the compliance of an instrument with the manufacturer's specification. Measurements made by the instrument being calibrated are compared to the manufacturer's specification. If the instrument is within specification, a statement that the instrument meets the manufacturer's specification at the points tested is made in the conformance certificate.


 Futures of Calibration System at NCQC 

Ø Identifies instruments that can be calibrated 

Ø Determines calibration requirements for instruments

Ø Establishes calibration procedures 

Ø Develops corrective action procedures 

Ø Documents calibration results and activities 

Ø Supports audit trails for calibration system










